
I’ve always been a creative, using movement as my medium. When I found chanting, meditation, and breath work… I thought it was weird AND I was all in. I grew up dancing and playing sports. Movement had always been spiritual to me, but before yoga, I never had the language to describe this mystical experience of fully inhabiting my body. 

I’m a mom of two young children, trying to find more time to read (because I love it but I’m tired!). I’m an entrepreneur, I love to travel the world, connect with nature, and sing at the top of my lungs to the Pixies while driving to teach my yoga class.

My yoga and meditation classes ask you to return to the wisdom you have deep within while reminding you not to take yourself too seriously. I love a good groovy flow! I always keep it fresh by infusing mudra and interesting transitions in with the familiar shapes and poses. I wholeheartedly believe our yoga practice is not just for our own individual lives, but for the collective freedom and good of all beings.

I attended Laughing Lotus College of Yoga in San Francisco and have studied extensively with my teachers there and in NYC. I am deeply humbled and forever grateful to the practice and all of those who have guided me along the way. As Ram Dass said, “When you know how to listen, everybody is the guru.”

Practice with me from anywhere with my library of virtual classes

Explore more with private sessions, individually or with a group

Join me each week for an in-person class in South Austin

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